Additional set commands

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Additional set commands

Main window options


SET MAIN.OUTINPUTDATATOSCR <value> - Output data sent on &screen

Value: True, False


SET MAIN.AUTOSCROLL <value> - Auto-scroll monitor window

Value: True, False


SET MAIN.COM1VISIBLE <value> - Visibility of the COM port #1 toolbar

Value: True, False


SET MAIN.COM2VISIBLE <value> - Visibility of the COM port #2 toolbar

Value: True, False


SET MAIN.COMBOVISIBLE <value> - Visibility of the COM port management toolbar

Value: True, False


SET MAIN.STATUSVISIBLE <value> - Visibility of the line status toolbar

Value: True, False


SET MAIN.BUTTONSVISIBLE <value> - Visibility of the quick access toolbar

Value: True, False


SET MAIN.STATESVISIBLE <value> - Visibility of the additional toolbar

Value: True, False


SET MAIN.SHORTCUTSVISIBLE <value> - Visibility of the shortcuts toolbar

Value: True, False


SET MAIN.PARSEXX <value> - Parse #XX Hex codes

Value: True, False


SET MAIN.PARSEASCII <value> - Parse ASCII codes with framing characters

Value: True, False


SET MAIN.DIFFERENTSETT <value> - Use different settings for each program instance

Value: True, False


SET MAIN.PORT <value> - Avalaible COM port number


0 - COM1

1 - COM2



SET MAIN.SPEED <value> - COM port baud rate


0 - 110

1 - 300

2 - 600

3 - 1200

4 - 2400

5 - 4800

6 - 9600

7 - 14400

8 - 19200

9 - 38400

10 - 56000

11 - 57600

12 - 115200

13 - 230400

14 - 460800

15 - 921600

16 - 15600 (custom baud)

17 - 28800 (custom baud)


SET MAIN.BITS <value> - Number of data bits


0 - 5

1 - 6

2 - 7

3 - 8


SET MAIN.PARITY <value> - Parity


0 - None

1 - Odd

2 - Even

3 - Mark

4 - Space


SET MAIN.STOPBITS <value> - Stop bits (1.5 will be exposed automatically for 5 data bits and 2 stop bits)


0 - 1

1 - 2


SET MAIN.DELAY <value> - Data output delay (in miliseconds)

Value: Data output delay (in miliseconds)


SET MAIN.AUTO <value> - &Auto delay

Value: True, False


SET MAIN.COMMAND <value> - Input string. Enter data and press 'Enter' (F4)

Value: Input string. Enter data and press 'Enter' (F4)


SET MAIN.OUTRECEIVEDTOFILE <value> - Output data received to a file

Value: True, False


SET MAIN.OUTINPUTDATATOFILE <value> - Output data sent to a file

Value: True, False


SET MAIN.OUTSYSDATATOFILE <value> - Output system events (in the spy mode) to a file

Value: True, False



Data flow control



Hardware flow control


SET USEDTR <value> - Use DTR

Value: True, False


SET USERTS <value> - Use RTS

Value: True, False


SET REQUIREDSR <value> - Require DSR

Value: True, False


SET REQUIRECTS <value> - Require CTS

Value: True, False



Software flow control


SET FLOWCONTROL <value> - Software flow control


0 - None

1 - On receiving

2 - On transmitting

3 - Both


SET XOFFCHAR <value> - Character that is sent to disable remote sending (Xoff). You should type string, where each #XX block will be replaced with character with XX hex code.

Value: One or more characters


SET XONCHAR <value> - Character that is sent to enable remote sending (Xon). You should type string, where each #XX block will be replaced with character with XX hex code.

Value: One or more characters


SET RS485MODE <value> - RS485 interface mode

Value: True, False


SET FLUSHBUFFER <value> - Flush incoming buffer on line error

Value: True, False



For problem drivers only


SET IGNOREERR <value> - Ignore non-important port opening errors (for problematic ports only)

Value: True, False



Signs of end of string


SET INEND <value> - Termination string or character while receiving


0 - #0D - CR

1 - #00 - NUL

2 - #0A - LF

3 - Custom

4 - #0D#0A - CR+LF

5 - #0A#0D - LF+CR

6 - None


SET OUTEND <value> - Termination string or character while transmitting


0 - #0D - CR

1 - #00 - NUL

2 - #0A - LF

3 - Custom

4 - #0D#0A - CR+LF

5 - #0A#0D - LF+CR

6 - None


SET CUSTOMSEND <value> - Custom termination string

Value: One or more characters


SET CUSTOMREC <value> - Custom termination string

Value: One or more characters


SET GB9BIT <value> - 9-bit data transfer format


0 - Off

1 - Mark parity on send

2 - Space parity on send


SET ADDBEFORE <value> - Add before a data packet while transmitting

Value: True, False


SET ADDBEFORE <value> - Send data before each data block. You should type string, where each #XX block will be replaced with character with XX hex code.

Value: One or more characters



File with source data


SET SOURCEFILE <value> - The name of a file with data, which will be sent over serial port

Value: 'drive:directory\file name'. If your path and/or file name contains spaces, then you should add double quotes before and after value: '"drive:directory\file name"'


SET FILEMODE <value> - File output mode


0 - Unitary

1 - Repeated


SET FILETYPE <value> - File type


0 - ASCII or plain text

1 - Binary



ASCII mode


SET FILEINTERPRET <value> - Interpret characters in the file like #XX or (depend on the corresponding option) as a character with same Hex code

Value: True, False



Binary mode



Reading data block size


SET BLOCKFIXEDSIZE <value> - Fixed size (bytes):

Value: True, False


SET BLOCKRANDOMSIZE <value> - Random size (bytes min/max):

Value: True, False


SET BLOCKFIXEDSIZE <value> - Reading data blocks from the source file with this size

Value: 1..1000000


SET BLOCKRANDOMSIZEMIN <value> - Reading data blocks from the source file with this min size

Value: 1..1000000


SET BLOCKRANDOMSIZEMAX <value> - Reading data blocks from the source file with this max size

Value: 1..1000000


SET BLOCKUNTIL <value> - Reading from a file until occurrence of a termination character

Value: True, False



Protocol files


SET CREATEFILEMODE <value> - Create new file mode


0 - One file for all data

1 - Data sent and received in different files

2 - Each sent and received packet in a different file



One file for all data


SET OUTPUTFILE <value> - File name

Value: 'drive:directory\file name'. If your path and/or file name contains spaces, then you should add double quotes before and after value: '"drive:directory\file name"'



Data sent and received in different files


SET FILEFORSENT <value> - File name for data sent

Value: 'drive:directory\file name'. If your path and/or file name contains spaces, then you should add double quotes before and after value: '"drive:directory\file name"'


SET FILEFORRECEIVED <value> - File name for data received

Value: 'drive:directory\file name'. If your path and/or file name contains spaces, then you should add double quotes before and after value: '"drive:directory\file name"'



Each sent and received packet in a different file


SET DIRECTORYEDIT <value> - Folder for files with data received and sent

Value: '"drive:directory\"'. If your path contains spaces, then you should add double quotes before and after value: '"drive:directory"'


SET FILENAMEPREFIXSENT <value> - File name prefix for data sent

Value: One or more characters


SET FILENAMEPREFIXRECEIVED <value> - File name prefix for data received

Value: One or more characters


SET OVERWRITEFILES <value> - Overwrite existing files

Value: True, False


SET ADDNAMESTAMP <value> - Add date/time stamp to a file name

Value: True, False


SET FILENAMEEXT <value> - File name extension

Value: One or more characters


SET COUNTERFMT <value> - File name counter format

Value: One or more characters


SET MAXCOUNTER <value> - Maximum counter value (-1 - no limitations)

Value: Any decimal number


SET FILENAMESUFFIXSENT <value> - File name suffix for data sent

Value: One or more characters


SET FILENAMESUFFIXRECEIVED <value> - File name suffix for data received

Value: One or more characters


SET COMMONCNT <value> - Common counter for received and sent files

Value: True, False


SET SEPARATOR <value> - Separator between data packets. You can type any characters here, where each #XX block will be replaced with character with XX hex code.

Value: One or more characters


SET ADDBODYSTAMP <value> - Write date/time stamp to a file before writing data and events

Value: True, False


SET FILEFORMAT <value> - Format of the file output


0 - Without any changes

1 - As you see it on screen



Window view


SET STARTMINIMIZED <value> - Start up in minimized state

Value: True, False


SET HIDETOSYSTRAY <value> - Minimize to Systray (a panel near clock)

Value: True, False


SET HINTBALOON <value> - Hint balloon

Value: True, False


SET HIDEMAINFORM <value> - Hide on plugin start up

Value: True, False


SET SHOWINHIDE <value> - Display data sent and received in minimized state

Value: True, False


SET HIDESTATUS <value> - Hide status bar

Value: True, False


SET HIDESCR <value> - Hide window with data

Value: True, False


SET STAYONTOP <value> - Stay on top (over other windows)

Value: True, False


SET AUTOCOMPLETE <value> - Disable autocompletion in the input string

Value: True, False


SET WRAPWORDS <value> - Wrap words

Value: True, False


SET LINESCOUNT <value> - Number of strings in a screen buffer

Value: 10..30000



Font and colors


SET HIGHLIGHT <value> - Highlight data sent on screen

Value: True, False


SET COLORHIGHLIGHT <value> - Data highlighting color

Value: Data highlighting color


SET FONTLIST <value> - Courier

Value: Courier


SET FONTCOLOR <value> - Main window a font color

Value: Main window a font color


SET BACKCOLOR <value> - Main window a background color

Value: Main window a background color




0 - Dark

1 - Default


SET FONTBOLD <value> - Bold

Value: True, False


SET FONTITALIC <value> - Italic

Value: True, False



HEX view


SET COLGRIDLINES <value> - Grid lines color

Value: Grid lines color


SET COLEVENCOL <value> - Grid lines color

Value: Grid lines color


SET COLOFFSET <value> - Grid lines color

Value: Grid lines color



Data view


SET CHARSET <value> - Charset of data received


0 - DOS

1 - Windows



View mode of characters with code


SET SYM20HEX <value> - 0x00h - 0x1Fh


0 - Don't display

1 - As Hex #XX code

2 - User's format

3 - As ASCII character code


SET SYM80HEX <value> - 0x20h - 0x7Fh


0 - Don't display

1 - As Hex #XX code

2 - As same character

3 - User's format


SET SYMFFHEX <value> - 0x80h - 0xFFh


0 - Don't display

1 - As Hex #XX code

2 - As same character

3 - User's format


SET SHOWSTRLEN <value> - View received packet length

Value: True, False


SET SHOWEND <value> - View string that completes a data packet

Value: True, False


SET USERFORMAT <value> - User view mode of characters with code < 20 Hex %d - decimal value of character code %x - hexdecimal value %.2x - hexdecimal value with leading zero

Value: One or more characters


SET FRAMEBEGIN <value> - Beginning characters of a frame for an ASCII code

Value: One or more characters


SET FRAMEEND <value> - Ending characters of a frame for an ASCII code

Value: One or more characters



HEX window view


SET BYTESROW <value> - Bytes per row

Value: 1..128


SET BYTESCOL <value> - Bytes per column

Value: 1..8


SET HEXTRANS <value> - Translation


0 - Windows


2 - BCD

3 - DOS

4 - Mac


SET SHOWOFFSET <value> - Show offset

Value: True, False


SET HEXLOWER <value> - Hex lowercase

Value: True, False


SET SWAPNIBBLES <value> - Swap nibbles

Value: True, False


SET GRIDLINES <value> - Grid lines

Value: True, False


SET BYTESROWAUTO <value> - Automatically calculate number of bytes per row

Value: True, False



Date/time stamp


SET STAMPVIEW <value> - View mode


0 - Default

1 - Unix syslog

2 - Custom


SET CUSTOMSTAMPFMT <value> - Custom view mode of a datetime stamp

Value: One or more characters


SET ADDSCRSTAMPSYS <value> - Add to display output for system events

Value: True, False


SET ADDSCRSTAMPSEND <value> - Add to display output for data sent

Value: True, False


SET ADDSCRSTAMPREC <value> - Add to display output for data received

Value: True, False


SET STAMPFRAMEBEGIN <value> - Beginnig characters of a frame for a datetime stamp

Value: One or more characters


SET STAMPFRAMEEND <value> - Ending characters of a frame for a datetime stamp

Value: One or more characters


SET ADDDATADIR <value> - Add data direction sign to a stamp

Value: True, False


SET TIMEOUTINT <value> - Auto-insert a stamp every (ms) in a continuous data flow

Value: 1..65535



System events


SET EVENTS <value> - 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|

Value: 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|